Our Strange Universe

Some of the strangest things in our Universe

The Observable Universe mystery

Our Universe is so vast that we do not know the size of it till date The reason behind it is the fastest object doesn't reached earth yet from the edge of universe. The size of our Observable universe/diameter is 93.016 billion light years. And it increases every second, actually it doesn't, just light far away from this distance reaches our blue planet so that we get to know it's bigger and bigger and bigger.

Binary and Triple Star Systems

Yes, all stars are not single they are in a relationship

Two star systems are called binary star system. They orbit each other like they are made for each other.
A multiple star system consists of three or more stars. Most of them are a triple star systems.
A binary system is simply one in which two stars orbit around a common centre of mass
They are gravitationally bound to each other
Actually most stars are in binary systems. Perhaps up to 85% of stars are in binary systems with some in triple or even higher-multiple systems.

Moral of the story: don't die single

Alpha centauri

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system and closest planetary system to the Solar System at 4.37 light-years from the Sun. It is a triple star system.

It is a triple star system, consisting of three stars: α Centauri A (officially Rigil Kentaurus), α Centauri B (officially Toliman), and α Centauri C (officially Proxima Centauri). Alpha Centauri A and B are Sun-like stars (Class G and K), and together they form the binary star Alpha Centauri AB. Alpha Centauri A has 1.1 times the mass and 1.519 times the luminosity of the Sun, while Alpha Centauri B is smaller and cooler, at 0.907 times the Sun's mass and 0.445 times its luminosity. The pair orbit around a common centre with an orbital period of 79.91 years Alpha Centauri C, or Proxima Centauri, is a small and faint red dwarf (Class M). Though not visible to the naked eye, Proxima Centauri is the closest star to the Sun at a distance of 4.24 light-years (1.30 pc), slightly closer than Alpha Centauri AB.

Some of the Strange things

The Quasars

A Quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk.


A Nebula a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some nebulae (more than one nebula) come from the gas and dust thrown out by the explosion of a dying star, such as a supernova.

Neotron Stars

Neutron Stars are the collapsed core of a giant star which before collapse had a total mass of between 10 and 29 solar masses.Smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, hypothetical white holes, quark stars and strange stars.

Rogue Planets

A rogue Planet is a planetary-mass object that orbits a galactic center directly. Such objects have been ejected from the planetary system in which they formed or have never been gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.

Dark Matter

Dark matteris a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about a quarter of its total energy density. Most dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature, possibly being composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles.

Expansion of the Universe

(Cosmic Inflation)

The expansion of the universe is the increase of the distance between two distant parts of the universe with time. The "expected" expansion rate, by contrast, is about 41.9 miles (67.4 km) per second per megaparsec. And what if I tell You That this expansion is accelerating with time. The accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the expansion of the universe is such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time. Observations of the explosions of white dwarf stars in binary systems, so-called Type Ia supernovae, in the 1990s then led scientists to the conclusion that dark energy, made up 68% of the cosmos, and is responsible for driving an acceleration in the expansion of the universe.

The big Fireworks in Space

Type Ia supernova

occurs in binary systems in which one of the stars is a white dwarf. The other star can be anything from a giant star to an even smaller white dwarf.

Core-collapse supernova

A Type II supernova results from the rapid collapse and violent explosion of a massive star. A star must have at least 8 times mass of the sun


A hypernova (alternatively called a collapsar) is a very energetic supernova thought to result from an extreme core-collapse scenario.


A quasar is an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk

Neutron star mergers

A neutron star merger is a type of stellar collision. It occurs in a fashion similar to the rare brand of type Ia supernovae resulting from merging white dwarfs.

Gamma ray bursts

Gamma-ray bursts are extremely energetic explosions that have been observed in distant galaxies. They are the brightest electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe.

Black hole mergers

Binary black hole mergers would be one of the strongest known sources of gravitational waves in the Universe, and thus offer a good chance of directly detecting such waves.

Types of Galaxies

Spiral galaxy

A spiral galaxy has a disk, a bulge, and a halo. The center of the galaxy is like a nucleus, containing a sphere shaped bulge that houses old stars and is devoid of dust and gas. The circular shape of the galaxy composes the disk. The arms of the spiral galaxy originate in the disk and are where new stars will form in a galaxy. Our milky way is a spiral galxy

Barred Spiral Galaxy

Barred spiral galaxies share the same features and functions as regular spiral galaxies, but they also have a bar of bright stars that lie along the center of the bulge, and extend into the disk. The bright bulge has very little activity here and contains mostly older, red stars. The bar and arms have lots of activity.including star formation.

Elliptical galaxy

Elliptical galaxies is known for their elongated spherical shape and lack of nucleus or bulge at the center. Although there is no nucleus, the galaxy is still brighter in the center and becomes less bright toward the outer edges of the galaxy. Stars, gases and other materials are spread throughout the elliptical galaxy.

Irrgular Galaxy

Irregular galaxies are composed of gasses, dust, stars, nebulous formations, neutron stars, black holes and other elements common to all galaxies. Irregular galaxies are named so because they have no definite shape, but like all galaxies, they are in constant motion, moving outward and away from the center of our universe.

Aurora's of Different Planets

A Show of Strong magnetic field and a dense atmosphere

Each of the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) has a strong magnetic field, a dense atmosphere and, as a result, its own aurora. The exact nature of these auroras is slightly different from Earth’s, since their atmospheres and magnetospheres are different. The colours, for example, depend on the gases in the planet’s atmosphere. But the fundamental idea behind the auroras is the same.


Not only are the auroras huge in size, they are also hundreds of times more energetic than auroras on Earth. And, unlike those on Earth, Jupiter has an additional source for its auroras. The strong magnetic field of the gas giant grabs charged particles from its surroundings.Io, known for its numerous and large volcanoes.

Aurora colour: BLUE


who doesn't want to see those beautiful northern green lights.Earth have a strong magnetic field, The sun creates solar winds because of te hottness of its core. Solar winds takes around 40 hours to reach Earth. When they do, they can cause the dramatic displays known as the aurora borealis.

Aurora colour: GREEN


Saturn's Auroras. Saturn was 810 million miles (1.3 billion kilometers) away when the Hubble Space Telescope took this ultraviolet image of the planet, revealing a vivid auroral display rising thousands of miles above the cloud tops over both of the planet's poles.

Aurora color: PURPLE


Andromeda Galaxy

(Our Neighbour is coming to visit us)

Yes, we are going to meet our neighbour, soon

4 billion years from now, our galaxy, the milky way, will collide with our large spiraled neighbour, Andromeda.

Currently, Andromeda and Milky Way are about 2.5 miilion light-years apart.

Fueled by gravity, the two galaxies are hurtling toward one another at 402,000 kilometers per hour.

But even at that speed, they won't meet for another 4 billions years.

Then the two galaxies will collide head-on fly though one another, leaving gassy, starry tendrils in their wakes.

For eons, the pair will continue to come together and fly apart.

Moral of the story: Yes we are in Danger


Milkey way


In our Milky way alone, there's ~50 billion worlds like Earth


Distance:1200 light Years
size:1.4X Earth
Temperature: > -85F
Age:~7 Billion Years
Possible water world


Distance:111 light Years
size:2.7X Earth
Confirmed atmospheric water vapour


Distance: 41 light Years
size: .77X Earth
Temperature: > 20F
Age:~7.5 Billion Years
Possible water world


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